Trio Radio UHF e VHF
Trio's QR family radios are designed for telemetry data exchange to remote SCADA systems. They are available in UHF or VHF, Simplex / Hal Duplex frequencies and are ideal where:
Full ownership and control of the radio data network is required
There are long distances to cover
Public communications (for example: cell phones) are too expensive or unreliable
Diversity is required in the delivery of communications
Trio Q data radios offer:
Greater increase in over-the-air RF speed
Multiple remote sites per system | Faster polling rates
More asset data in a shorter time frame
Resource management can in a simpler and cheaper way
Scalable platform that helps protect the value of asset investments
Reconsider resolving existing communication problems that were not previously resolved
Typical applications
Water and waste water
Pumping and Upgrade Applications Treatment Plants Leak Detection / Distribution Systems
Oil & Gas
Application Gas Flow Computer Aritificial Lift Controller (RPC, ESP, piston) Water injection, gas control, valve control
Automation of the substation Distributed automation Intelligent grid Renewable energy
From the point of view of a SCADA application, Trio Q data radios can transmit data transparently. This helps minimize application-specific constraints other than throughput and data range.